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Kim Hercus posted a condolence
Monday, May 29, 2023
Q: What was one of your favorite qualities of Alana?
A: I was so saddened to hear the news of the passing of Alana. I worked with Alana at Ceva and enjoyed listening to her stories of her boys who she loved with all her heart. She was such a nice person and I will never forget her laugh and her smile. R. I. P. Alana
Colin Christensen posted a condolence
Friday, April 28, 2023
Certainly as brothers and sisters go, we had our share of scraps. However, as the years went on, we had a deepening and fond relationship. Remembering her jokes, her laugh, her jabs, self-defacing humour as well as the clever quips, snappy come backs and insights bring a smile to my face. As hard as she was on herself, she will be remembered by me as an amazing person and my loved sister. Through challenges and the pressure of life, she raised amazing boys and did everything she could to make them into the great men they are today. The loss created a hole - the space will be filled with good memories.
Birgit & Finn Schremmer Larsen; Erling Larsen + Anja Schremmer Hartmann posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
To our dear family: We are so saddened for your loss. We met Alana on our family visits to Canada, and felt the blod ties immediately. Later we continued following the lifes of each other on line with the big oceans between us, but still with the connection as family. We are deeply touched and saddened by Alanas to early passing.
Our deep felt love to Alana and the family from Birgit, Finn, Erling, Anja and families (Denmark)
Nigel & Lesley Short posted a condolence
Monday, April 24, 2023
Thank God for Alana's life, for all of the precious memories she has created and left for her family and friends to remember her by and take comfort from in their sad loss.
Rest in peace Alana.
Nigel & Lesley
Emily Sauvé posted a condolence
Thursday, April 20, 2023
To the whole Family: I am so very saddened by this loss. You're in my thoughts, and I send you my love. XO Emily
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Please wait
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Please wait
Blair Armitage posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Peter, Janet, Wanda and all the family, I am still at a loss for words. I was so touched when you decided to give Alana the middle name of Blaire. Again more words escape me. I will look for something more profound and comforting to say in the very near future. Today, I am left only with grief and hurt for all of you.
Peter, my dear oldest friend, I think of you so very often. In one sense it is a shame that grief brings us closer. I know we will all soon laugh again. Alana would like that.
Love to you all, Blair Armitage
Trix Van Egmond posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Dear Peter, Janet, Kyle and Kevin:
I am so very, very sorry to hear of your loss. Alana was kind to me whenever I would run into her in the neighbourhood or years earlier, when I would see her at Mountsfield P. S. events with her sons. She had a great smile and a ready laugh and was welcoming to someone who felt like an outsider. We would chat and she spoke so proudly of the achievements of her sons - as well as their shenanigins! She was proud of all of it, not condoning but not embarrassed either. She was honest and appreciative. I valued her caring enough to smile, nod and chat with me.
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos. It's so nice to see her smile again.
I am sure you will all miss her terribly. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
Trix Van Egmond
virginia piercey posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
i would just like to say Alana you will be truly missed by me and my family i hope you are in heaven sitting with neil having some good conversations your friend ginny