Tribute Wall
Rock Paulin lit a candle
Saturday, May 22, 2021

Que ta lumière nous guide et réconforte chaleureusement notre cœur.
Rock Paulin
Rock Paulin posted a condolence
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Mes plus sincères condoléances pour la perte d'une tante bien aimée. Que de beaux souvenirs resterons gravé dans ma mémoire par les beaux moments en vacance durant des étés entières de jeunesses passés près d'elle. Son rire demeurera dans ma tête ainsi que les câlins aux enfants si joyeusement.
Repose en paix aunty Laura, tu as tant travaillée !
Rock Paulin
Christa Liebigt posted a condolence
Thursday, May 6, 2021
I remember Auntie Laura fondly. Her and Diane travelled many times to Hornepayne was I was a kid to pick berries with my Nanny. The words you spoke of Laura ring loudly in my ears as she sounds so much like my Nan.
I remember the 3 of them dancing around the kitchen and playing spoons. They were so much fun together.
Thinking of you all and sending love as you say Goodbye... long live the memories of the Caissie women .. they were all so loved ❤️❤️
Christa Liebigt
Shirley McCarthy posted a condolence
Thursday, April 1, 2021
I was sadden to hear the passing of my beautiful Aunt Laura as she was like a mom to me. I will cherish the memories I had of you , xo
stella salmon lit a candle
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tara posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
To be loved by an Andersen is the greatest feeling. I will always remember seeing your vegetable garden grow. You were the only person I ever knew to take the effort to cook cabbage rolls, just to unroll them and fill massive margarine container with the tasty inners for the kids. That’s when I realized how deep your love ran. Thank you for giving me a chance at the Greek club. I had no business carrying that tray of food haha. You will be greatly missed. Your spirit and recipes will live on through your family.
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Affordable Funeral Options is proud to provide Compassionate and Professional Funeral and Cremation Services in London ON and the following (but not limited to) communities: Lucan, Arva, Ilderton, St.Thomas, Strathroy, Thamesford, Ingersoll, Masonville and Tillsonburg ON.