Tribute Wall
Angela Landymore lit a candle
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Uncle Don was a wonderful Uncle! He had an unspoken way of letting you know that you were important, and focused all his attention on you while you were talking with him. He always had great advice, interesting stories about family history and more, and great big wonderful hugs! I feel very fortunate that although I live on the West Coast, there were still yearly visits where the family could all get together and share updates on life's events - the good and the bad. No matter what, I had Uncle Don's support and caring that I could count on. He was a large part of my growing up years, and in my adult years I very much looked forward to the summer visits at cousin Grady's place when Uncle Don and Aunty Win came out to BC. I treasure the memories, and will hold tight to them. Uncle Don, I love you, and I miss you.
xo Angie (Bauer) Landymore
Michael Smolders posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
I frankly didn't know Don well. He lovingly fixed a couple of radios of mine, and during the time we did spend together, I was taken with the gentle, caring, enthusiastic and definitely knowledgeable person before me. He was very easy to feel comfortable with, and that's a gift, and a person who will be missed.
My sincere condolences to Don's family.
Mike Smolders
William Sanderson posted a condolence
Friday, October 2, 2020
Don was a very special man who delighted in sharing his knowledge and insights, a wonderful gift for all of us. He will be fondly remembered for many years to come.
Liz Wilson posted a condolence
Thursday, October 1, 2020
My sincere condolences to the family. I spoke with Don in May and hoped I would see him for a yard visit due to COVID, but sadly that did not happen. He was my Boss for many years at C-I-L and a more superb gentleman you could not meet.
Carolyn Rowland posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
My thoughts are with Don’s family and Connie at this very sad time.
I came to know Don during my days as HALA Secretary, and I regard him as an exemplary person in every respect. The list is long. He was curious, intellectual, studious, meticulous, enthusiastic, kind, reliable, steadfast, and principled. These are only some of the adjectives that describe this fine gentleman. We shall not look upon his like again.
I wish the family strength to get through these hard days.
Gary & Nellie Clayton (The Olde Tyme Radio Centre Belgrave Ont) posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Donald was a real inspiration to many always willing to help or give advice. He was a real Gentleman with a great mind and will be missed by many. It is always hard to say goodbye but be thankful for all the golden years you all had.My Dad died when I was twenty.Donald was a great help to The Olde Tyme Radio Centre which I will always be greatfull for.Gary & Nellie Clayton oldtymeradio.ca
Andre Lachance posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Don was a beacon of wisdom for the Humanist Association of London and Area. An outspoken advocate for rational thinking, he gave us our erudite monthly newsletter, "The Enlightenment", which we all loved reading. He was a generous, loving man.
EP planted a tree in memory of Donald Hatch
Monday, September 28, 2020

Hilary, Alison and your family- sending you love and comfort at this sad time. Love, Emily P
Please wait
Joyce and Tom Orchard posted a condolence
Sunday, September 27, 2020
We have enjoyed Don's friendship over the years as members of the Humanist Society. We looked forward to his Enlightenment newsletters and marvelled at his deep knowledge in so many areas. We also enjoyed getting to know Connie in later years. This quote by George Bernard Shaw seems to describe Don's outlook perfectly:
“Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.”
― George Bernard Shaw
Marlene Koehler posted a condolence
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Dear Alison, Graham, and families and Connie,
I am devastated by the news of the death of long-time humanist stalwart,
Don Hatch. My father was very close to him when the Humanists met at the
Unitarian Fellowship of London and later at the Cross-Cultural Learning
Centre. Don was instrumental in presenting a plaque of thanks for my Dad
prior to his death in 2007. And I have always been personally very fond
of Don.
I have been reading the Enlightment for years. And am very sad to
realize that, as well as HALA closing, now the Enlightenment will cease
being published.
Don was a cheerful, bright and talented humanist whom we will miss for
years to come.
With great fondness, Marlene Koehler
Goldie Emerson posted a condolence
Sunday, September 27, 2020
All my memories about Don Hatch are good memories. My own life was enhanced by my friendship with Don. He had a wonderful curiosity about a broad range of topics including philosophy, music, politics, the environment and many social issues concerning morality, justice and fairness. Don's thoughts were tempered by his considerable knowledge of science. He was an avid reader and a writer on many interesting subjects. Don Hatch never stopped wanting to learn and understand more about a broad range of important social issues.
I was fortunate to be one among his many companions. I have benefited much from my friendship with Donald Hatch.
Rod Martin posted a condolence
Saturday, September 26, 2020
I got to know Don quite well over the past 12 years, working along with him on the board of the Humanist Association of London and Area (HALA). He was the president of the organization when I joined, and a few years later I took on that role and he continued on the board as past president. I have many good memories of those lively monthly meetings with Don and the other board members. Our deliberations concerning the mundane business of the club – meetings, speakers, activities, finances – frequently veered off into heady and wide-ranging discussions about philosophy, science, religion, and politics. As I took on the role of president, Don and I would often continue our discussions on the phone between meetings, and I greatly valued his wise advice and supportive and encouraging mentorship.
Don was also the founder and editor-in-chief of our mini-journal, “The Enlightenment,” which was originally planned as a quarterly publication, but gradually moved to monthly issues as Don pumped out a seemingly endless stream of articles and book reviews on a wide range of topics. He was a voracious reader with eclectic interests, and every issue was packed with enlightening and thought-provoking information. Don was certainly a mainstay of the organization and he enriched us all with his leadership, writing, presentations, and friendship.
Although I have many good memories of times spent with Don, I think the one I’ll treasure most was walking with him and another friend on the paved trail along the south branch of the Thames River in London (suitably socially distanced for the pandemic) just two weeks before he died. It was a beautiful, warm September day. Don slowly pushed his walker amid the rustling trees and singing birds, as the conversation progressed from memories of his career with a chemical company producing nitrogen-based fertilizers, to the future of agriculture in a world of overpopulation and global warming, to the nature of the universe, and the meaning of life. For me, that last hour with Don, his body weakened but his mind as sharp and agile as ever, captures the essence of the person I had the honour of getting to know as a friend.
~ Rod Martin
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